Keith W. Fengler Scholarship

The Impact Of Extracurriculars On My Path
My Personal Puzzle
I came into freshman year with one objective - to find what I truly loved. And therefore, I dived headfirst into everything that caught my eye and got my heart beating a little faster. The results? I've walked four tracks through my extracurriculars, and all merge at the same place - in my career, I know I want to work for those who do not have a voice, whether that's through writing, treatment, or advocacy (or a combination of the three). I've learned through my clubs and volunteering that I am meant to serve disadvantaged communities, helping them get a leg up in the world. My four paths have taught me whom I want to work for, what I could bring to the table, and what my priorities will be - these paths have made me.
And how it all leads to my career and values....
Since I was a kid, I've been conflicted about what I want to do in my future. My plans have shifted about a million times. Now, as I get ready to take the next step, I'm torn between pursuing a career as a journalist, a lawyer, or a doctor. But I know where my priorities lie, in any career field. And I know I'm built to serve a wider community through words, whether that be by arguing in court for a DACA DREAMer, easing a patient's fears before pediatric surgery, or publishing an exposé on a corrupt company. At Northwestern next year, I will continue to embrace every opportunity presented to me, trying to amplify those oh-so-quiet voices.